Put It On A Bed Of Greens

I hope this finds you rocking your week, feeling great and inspired.

Good food really does help. It fuels your body with what you really need to feel vital, colorful, and alive.

I come to you today with a fun little hack for getting 80% alkaline-producing foods in your diet. 

Put everything you make on a bed of greens. 

When you make a simple quinoa and vegetable dish, scoop that on a bed of greens. When you make fish or chicken or steak, put that on a bed of greens. When you have those wonderful potato pierogis from the Russian store, put those on a bed of greens. Put your morning eggs on a bed of greens. 

Even when you go rogue and put something from a box in the freezer into your oven, put THAT on a bed of greens. 

You pick; spinach, arugula, kale, romaine, swiss chard, or whatever you like.

Not only does this ensure you are getting the enzymes from raw living foods, and the wonderful fiber, protein, vitamins, calcium, and other minerals from the greens, but it also ensures you’re getting a good amount of alkali-producing food into your system, creating a biochemistry that regenerates optimally. 

 I can’t emphasize enough the value of regenerating optimally! RIGHT?

Enjoy this fun and tasty lifestyle enhancer! Life-long vital health can be as simple as that beautiful bed of greens.

Love you!

Dr. Blythe