What Your Orgasm Wants You To Know

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve written, and I’m coming in hot with perhaps a taboo subject for some, although it need not be.

Our sexual health mirrors are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Have you contemplated your orgasm lately? It’s fun to do. What a profound and brilliant experience the orgasm.

Yes, of course, we realize that we are designed to experience pleasure in the act of making love so that we continue to create humans. BUT, of course, we also know that we create humans a very very very small, (if at all), percentage of the time we use our sexual energy.

So the body is designed to experience pleasure, just for the sake of experiencing pleasure. Natural, no sugar added, pleasure.  Why? Because this pleasure is a huge key to your health and happiness…and just because, life is supposed to be pleasurable after all.

I read a study that stated that men and women who have at least 4 orgasms a week have an 80% stronger immune system.

This is because the orgasm itself is a flood of literally life giving chemistry into the body. It has numerous benefits spanning from increased focus and concentration to a huge decrease in many different types of cancer and dis-ease.

A 2016 study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior showed that sexual quality and sexual frequency lowered chances of hypertension and rapid heart rate among those over 65.

I trust and believe that sex is meant to get better as we age. We should be getting better at it..more practice and all. 

If it’s not getting better – that’s where you need to look to unblock yourself.

When we feel sexy, we feel alive, right? It’s the feeling of health and vitality. We can use this in reverse. If we are not feeling sexy and vital, we can manufacture that by giving our attention to our sexual energy and cultivating it.

Get in greater touch with your sexual energy.  There is always room for growth and expanded pleasure. 

A client said to me once, “I don’t care about pleasure, I just want to feel good.” I said, “exactly.”  See, we stop ourselves from pleasure sometimes, myself included, because we feel it’s somehow frivolous, or not important.

The more pleasure you allow yourself to experience “in bed,” the more pleasure you will experience in life all around you. This means better relationships with everyone, including yourself. This means more pleasurable life experiences, which you are so worthy of.

Partnered or not, explore your pleasure. Can you make your orgasm last longer, thus allowing the body to produce even more of that glorious biochemistry that heals and reveals your greatness?

Breathe your orgasm into your entire body, explore the sensations of that. Knowing that you are doing so to connect to your body with awe and wonderment and to gain understanding of the deeper wells of pleasure that are available to you, but only revealed with time, willingness and attention.

It’s quite natural, for myself included, to stop the pleasure. To reach a place we’ve never been and bail out on it, instead of leaning into it further. I invite you to lean into your pleasure in an ever greater way, as a lifestyle. You will see the fruits of your labor in the glow of your face, in the patience you have with family, in the creative genius that evolves out of an activated creative center (your genitals), and in the health of your body and mind.

A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology in 2010 showed that men who engage in regular sexual activity had a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who don’t. Why the study was only for men I do not know. I hypothesize the results would be similar or greater for women. 

Another study shows 30% less prostate cancer in men who are using their goods on a regular basis. This is a fascinating space of study for me as all three of my fathers (my dad, my step-dad, and my father-in-law) all have/had prostate cancer. My father-in-law passed away from (the treatment) of it, my dad had the surgery and my step-dad is currently in radiation treatment, much to my chagrin. (Not everyone wants to dive into their lifestyle choices and sexual subconscious to release blocks….especially with their daughter…I get it). But I remain steadfast in my belief that the insane statistics surrounding prostate cancer need not be. 

Connecting with your sexual energy as sacred, powerful, life giving (your life) energy, meant to serve your health and pleasure, has the potential to completely transform your life.

As you create greater pleasure, you create optimal biochemistry, AND you change the frequency you’re living from. Which means you attract new and wonderful things into your life that match the new and wonderful levels of pleasure you are cultivating through your time, attention and love, for yourself and for your partner if you have one. 

So, what does your orgasm want you to know? Ask it. Really. I mean genuinely ask your orgasm what it wants you to know. Mine wants me to know that it’s there to support my health, youthfulness and vitality.  It wants me to know that even though I’ve experienced more pleasure than I can handle at times, that there is still more awaiting my discovery if I can allow it. Can I learn greater surrender?  It wants me to know that it’s there to keep me connected to my divine design, keep me rooted in the eternal wonder of life, and it wants me to know that I have a pharmacy inside me at all times that will supply what I need for optimal health. That- and my trusty green juice.

Now go forth and pleasure yourself!

If you are local to Los Angeles or Malibu, I am giving a Self Healing Design workshop this Sunday Oct 3rd from 2pm-3:30 PST in our gorgeous Malibu Gives Crystal Sanctuary. All the details are on the link. Please share with anyone who lives in the area. This will be a socially distanced event respecting all the Covid regulations. Hope to see you there!

As always, I love you,
