Pick Your Price Revitalizing Breath Workshop

You know when you have a really juicy secret or piece of information that feels so exciting or sexy or explosive or intriguing that you just have to share it. It’s too hard to keep to yourself. It’s too good. YOU MUST SHARE IT.
That’s how I feel about breath work.
Think about it, we can only live moments without oxygen. Breathing is part of our autonomic nervous system, we just do it without having to think about it.  So if this stuff called oxygen keeps us alive, and we would only last literally moments without it….I ask myself, what could this stuff do for us if we used it purposefully, used it in different ways, up-leveled ways, black belt ways? How could this primary nutrient of life serve us?  I ask the questions and I receive the answers.
I’ve written about the benefits of breath work in other emails, so I won’t go into that again. If you missed those emails, you can read the #1 Health Hack here.
I don’t want money to be the reason you don’t learn this information.  If you want to learn and practice this information to become an up-leveled version of yourself, functioning higher across the board, than I am giving you a ‘pick your price’ tuition for the workshop. Choose any amount you want.
I want everyone who wants to learn this wonderful work to learn it.
You may ask ~ So why don’t I just offer a free workshop then?
The answer is very important.
I don’t offer it for free because I want the people who show up to show up and practice the work as if they paid $349 for it (the cost of the workshop).
For example, let’s say you bought a $9 ebook that’s full of valuable information that would make a huge difference for you right now.  But because it was a very inexpensive purchase, you forget about it and never give it the attention required to let it impact you the way it could have. You simply don’t value it as life changing information because you only paid $9 for it.   If you purchased the same book, full of life changing information for $409, you would very likely read that book over and over, practice what it teaches, and keep it close to you, picking it up daily to connect to the wisdom and influence that it gives you.  SAME BOOK right, but because you didn’t pay much for it, you just don’t value it in the way you would value it if you paid a greater amount for it.
It’s important to pay for things so that YOU put value on it and practice the tools and tricks you learn as if you paid something meaningful for them.  It does you no good to learn something and not practice it.  If you come to the workshop, my wish for you is that you take the breath work and USE IT, daily, to completely up-level your life. Use it as if you paid $349 for it, or $3,000 for it.
“To know and not to do, is not to know” ~ one of my favorite quotes (that has been credited to many different people.)  Paying for something is one way we can be sure to value it, and thus use it, allowing us to become better versions of ourself.
However, like I said, I don’t want money to stand in the way of anyone who wants to learn. And I know that COVID19 has certainly effected people’s cash flow. So if you want to learn how to use oxygen with intention and increase your health in every way, along with increasing your creativity, focus, productivity and so much more, than I’m delighted to give you this invitation to join the Revitalizing Breath Workshop for any amount you choose.
I can only create pay buttons in Paypal for specific amounts, and donation buttons are only for charites, so the only way to pick your price is to just send me a Paypal to blythe@blythenaturalliving.com.
If you don’t do Paypal, send me an email (reply to this email) and let me know you want to join the workshop and I can take a card over the phone.
Pick your price today, registration closes at 12pm PST Friday May 15th (tomorrow!)
I will see your email address in the Paypal confirmation, and reply back with the Zoom link for Saturday’s class, May 16th & 23rd 11am-12:30pm PST
Click here if you want to learn more about the Revitalizing Breath Workshop.
As always, Stay bright!


Want To Get High?

Sometimes life is exhausting. Let’s face it. Sometimes we have to do things (like clean the bathrooms because the housekeeper isn’t coming during the stay home order) that we REALLY don’t want to do, or frankly have no time to do.
Somehow my entire day is filled from 6:30am to 8:30pm whether I plan it that way or not. Perhaps because I have small children, but I suspect that even with older children, their schedules and their requirements take up a lot of time and physical energy. Even during this stay home order….or especially during this stay home order.
Now…of course I choose to do fun and meaningful things throughout the day, like write to you. But sometimes things need to get done that I simply don’t enjoy and just can’t outsource during this time.
So…..I’m so glad I have my breath to get me high, pump me up and get me activated to do the unsavory bits of life that are simply unavoidable at times.
Using our breath in specific ways can activate and inspire us like nothing else.
Have you had the experience of just feeling so good in your body, not under the influence of any substance, where you think “wow, I feel really good right now, heightened, strong, activated, in tune, powerful, connected to source”?
I have, and it’s a delicious feeling. I want to share it with you!
In the 5th week of my Self Healing Design Salon, we did about 50 minutes of breath work together as a group and WOW, the feeling that we created together was amazing. After the class I felt so extraordinary. I had the thought, “why do I feel so good?”  Then I answered myself, “ahhh, the breath work”.  I have had a daily breath practice for years, but not for 50 minutes. It’s quite difficult actually to do breath work for 50 minutes by oneself. Possible of course, but difficult nevertheless. I am so grateful to be reminded of the powerful effects of an extended breath work practice, I just had to share it with you!
So I created the Revitalizing Breath Workshop, so we can all take in copious amounts of the primary healing nutrient together and get the best high ever, naturally. Sound fun? I think so.
I have been endowed with ancient breath practices by a great Master teacher that I have studied with for years.
I also have been given breath work directly from Source, because I continue to ask God or Source everyday, “How can I serve? Please reveal more of the Self Healing Design”  And it is revealed to me.
I have put together a really fun and health giving breath class for you.  REMEMBER from my previous emails that the #1 health hack is to stay alkaline and oxygenated. Breath work brings our body into alkalinity quickly and oxygenates us down to our every cell.  Our cells LOVE this, and we FEEL how much they love it.
Come practice with me and you’ll see!
Learn the details and register for the Revitalizing Breath Workshop here. It starts this Saturday, registration will be closing Friday May 15th at 12pm PST.
Please understand that the wisdom and practices that you will learn, you have for your lifetime. They are tools for optimal health, vitality and happiness that are always available to you and always free for you to use. Learning these practices is actually priceless, and powerful.
It’s really nice to turn to your breath instead of coffee or alcohol or other substances that are acidic in the body. The breath is always alkalizing and always inspiring,  in fact, that’s what inspire means = to inhale oxygen.
See you in our lovely online class!


#1 Health Hack

I’m going to share with you some of the most significant information you can learn to stay healthy and vital for your long strong 100+ year life.
It’s simple, easy to apply today and totally free to use as much as you want.
The information is this:
The way to stay healthy, energized, focused, sexy, creative and happy is simple ~ Stay alkaline and stay properly oxygenated.
Science knows that viruses, cancers, yeast, fungus, mold, candida and the host of pathogens that can take our health and degenerate us, (we often call that aging, but degenerating is not aging and doesn’t have to happen as we age), are caused by low oxygen and low PH in the body.
An acidic environment in the body causes inflammation, and inflammation causes all kinds of health disturbances.  We needn’t try to find “cures” for diseases, all we need to do is cure the underlying acidity in our bodies that is the real culprit ~ and this is actually pretty easy to accomplish.
What’s even better about this powerful information, is that it’s very easy to check your body’s PH.  You can buy PH strips from any drug store, they are very inexpensive. You can test your saliva or your urine and see where you’re at.  You want a PH of 7, or slightly higher.
The body doesn’t heal itself completely unless you are at a 7 PH or slightly above.
Did you really get that? I’ll write it again.
The body doesn’t heal itself completely unless you are at a 7 PH or slightly above.
(that wisdom is priceless)
There are many reasons our body dips into low PH.  Diet, stress, negative thinking, shallow breathing, disrupted sleep, all these things contribute to a low PH in the body.
Many people live their adult lives entirely in a low PH state without knowing that that is the problem with their digestion, their teeth, their skin, their low energy, their depression and even their cancer. An acidic environment within the body is the underlying cause of ALL health issues and degeneration.
The fabulous news is you are 100% in control of your PH and you can test it easily to see how you’ve improved.
Fruits and vegetables are the alkaline foods.  Even citrus fruits and spicy peppers read as alkaline in the body. Nearly all other foods are acidic.  The body naturally balances this when we eat the optimal 50-75% fruits and vegetables. But…most people aren’t doing that.  The acidity is amplified by coffee, alcohol, sodas and everything with sugar.
I’m not saying don’t ever drink coffee or alcohol, we just need to be sure to balance that with alkaline foods. For instance, eat an apple or banana before you drink a cup of coffee. It’s important to not drink too much coffee and alcohol as well, this throws our body into a very acidic state.
The best way to immediately bring yourself into a healing PH is with specific breath work.  Oxygen heals. Oxygen is the primary nutrient of life. It balances our PH faster than alkaline foods because the body absorbs the oxygen immediately, where it takes time for the body to assimilate nutrients from alkaline foods into our blood stream to alkalize our body.
There are many ways to use your breath that go way beyond automatic breathing or simple deep or elongated breathing.
Do you want to learn the type of breath work that can keep you alkaline,  keeping you healthy and strong for your entire life?
I want to teach you!
Please watch the video on breath work here. You will learn the power of breath work in your life, and register for the upcoming online Revitalizing Breath Workshop on Saturdays May 16th & 23rd, 11am-12:30pm PST. Register now before all the spots fill up!

See you in the workshop!!


Tongue-Fu, A Powerful Podcast To Support You During This Time

One of the most powerful tools for happiness and great relationships, that we always have available to us, is our words.
The words we choose bring people closer to us or push people away. We may think we are simply conveying something that needs to be conveyed, but the words we choose, matter.
Perhaps now more than ever, as we are home with our loved ones 24/7, we want to be sure we are communicating in ways that uplift our relationships and make them easier. Whether with our spouse, kids, partner, roommates, business partners, employees, everyone deserves the care and intention we can offer through our chosen words.
Listen to this AWESOME Mindvalley podcast from Sam Horn on Words To Lose and Words To Use.  It’s great stuff.
A Mindvalley Podcast
Have a most beautiful day,