How To Never Have Replacement Surgery In Your Future

I can still say Happy New Year! Right? I’m wishing you a year of vitality, a year that invites new and unseen levels of health, wealth, creativity, fun, love, and authenticity. A fantastic year is ahead for you, I know it!

I have so many things I want to share with you, it’s been difficult to decide what to write about first. My dad had knee replacement surgery yesterday, so this is foremost on my mind. It’s positively baffling to me that people will cut into their bodies before learning something new. My dad told me a couple of weeks ago that he has had pain in his knee, so he’s getting it replaced. I tell him that pain is often caused by inflammation, and that inflammation is the body’s way of protecting itself and is a signal to take action in reducing acidity in the body. I let him know that cartilage can regrow once the body is at a 7.43Ph, which is the necessary environment for regeneration. For me, maybe because I’m a scientist, I just love understanding how things work. Especially when it comes to my body, which I rely upon. Right?!

I see a massive lack of understanding in medicine today, on both sides, the medical professionals and the patients. It’s the blind leading the blind from my perspective. Here’s an example; several months ago my dad had two surgical procedures for kidney stones. Two. This was the second time my dad was encumbered by kidney stones. Do you think his doctor told him that kidney stones happen because the body is dehydrated and acidic? Nope! Both are very easy, free fixes. Never was this obvious information given to my dad by the person he trusts explicitly with his health. Instead, my dad suffered two procedures, the first was a stint put in because his doctor was on holiday for 3 weeks so the stint gave him supposed relief until he could have the removal procedure. However, he felt no relief. Do you see the insanity here? 

 I can back up the misguided medical direction even further. Do you know why my dad doesn’t drink water (causing the kidney stones)? Because he had prostate cancer surgery that left him incontinent, so he doesn’t want to drink plenty of water. He could have refused that surgery when it was recommended.  Cancer is a disease of toxicity and acidity, so he could have remedied it with lifestyle adjustments that return the body to a proper Ph, and just like that, cancer cells die off and are replaced with healthy cells. Science knows this. Medicine does not practice this. But my dad did not want to learn this, he just listened to his doctor, and it has led him down a progressively more painful and disempowering path. My dad is a proud man, so when the body starts to go, it’s very hard on the mind. However, the preposterous oxymoron in all of it, is that he had the power the entire time to own his health, but he gave it away. (He also had me, for free, totally dedicated to getting his body’s Ph where it needed to be, but he didn’t want to take responsibility for his health, he didn’t want to learn or make adjustments.) There is a huge cost to that.

I know that’s not you. You know, unlike my dad, that if you sit around most of the day in your recliner eating M&Ms, that inflammation in your knees is a likely result of processed foods and inactivity. This seems obvious, yet if you try to draw a connection with some people between their choices and their health experience, many will not believe it. Which is fascinating because it’s super empowering information. ‘Knees just wear out’, they might say. Perhaps. Or perhaps our physical form is designed to regenerate optimally for as long as we live optimally. 

When we start to buy into processed food convenience and cultural norms of mediocrity, that short-changing shows up in our health. It’s nothing more than falling from the stable regeneration zone of around 7.4 Ph. Which is easy to do in our fast paced, processed food culture. We have to be intentional about eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs. We have to plan our meals and buy lots of vegetables, fruits, and herbs to prepare. It doesn’t have to take hours of our day, but we do need to allow for some time to wash, cut, and prepare vegetables. This is a most useful use of time, wouldn’t you say?

So, the way you make sure you never have (or are recommended to have) replacement surgeries in your future is to make sure you are keeping your body in the Regeneration Zone of around 7.4 on the Ph scale. To get there, start eating around 80% alkaline foods. This means, on your plate at any given meal, the vegetables and herbs take up 80% of the plate/bowl. The remaining 20% is whatever else you want to eat; I.E, fish, meat, grains, bread, etc. 

This is your recipe for a vital 100+ year life. This alkaline food ratio keeps your body in the Regeneration Zone, instead of the Degeneration Zone that low-grade acidity ensures. Low-grade acidity is the root cause of every issue my dad has faced. But because this wisdom wasn’t brought to his attention by his MD, he doesn’t tune into it. Never once considering that the 6 figure charge his insurance company just paid his doctor for knee replacement surgery may be some motivation. 

Aren’t you so glad you know better?

Sometimes it’s hard to make adjustments and shifts in diet and lifestyle. That’s what I’m here to help you with. Working with a coach is the best thing you can do to ensure you get results. If you think you might be ready to work with a coach and take your vitality and life to the next level, I’d love to offer you a free session so you can experience the fun, power, and results of our sessions. 

Book a free session here.

See you soon,


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